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Angel Food Ministries

In my in-box yesterday I found a reminder from Angel Food Ministries that I can order my holiday boxes early.  In case you have never heard of this organization I figured it's a good time to share this one with you.  From their website here is how they answer "what is Angel Food Ministries?"  Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing food relief and financial support to communities throughout the United States. The program began in 1994 with 34 families in Monroe, Georgia (between Atlanta and Athens), and has grown to serve hundreds of thousands of families every month across 45 states. Angel Food Ministries crosses denominational lines and has spread the good news of the gospel of Christ through salvation tracts that are placed in each food order.

You do not have to be a member of a distribution church in order to participate. There are no economic or financial qualifications. This is top quality food, no out of date items or dented cans.  The best way to describe it would be to call it a not for profit co-op.  Angel Food has made arrangements to purchase large quantities of various food items and passes that saving on to you.  The only catch is that you need to order in advance.  However, you will be told exactly what to expect in your food box before you order.  You can use a credit or debit card to order securely online.  They even accept food stamps.  
To find out if there is a program in your area use the link above to go to their home page.  Scroll down and enter your zip code where indicated.
Not interested in purchasing a box for yourself?  You might consider purchasing a box for a needy family in your area.  Wouldn't that make a special gift for someone?


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